Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mari ber-KB

Mengingat pentingnya KB di keluargaku (mengingat (lagi...) suami lagi ambil spesialis dan hidup yg masih pas2an) jadi aku setelah melahirkan Fi dan diijinkan suami, jadilah aku pasang IUD (Intra Uterine Device)/Spiral. Pasangnya di Sp.OG yg sudah cucok selama ini, hmm....pasangnya...lumayan sakit pas dijepit mulut rahimnya buat masukin IUD, tp setelah dimasukin dan dilepas IUDnya enggak begitu sakit lagi. 

Ada untungnya juga ya pasang IUD, sewaktu mo dipasang, kliatanlah di mulut rahimku ada sariawan/erosi, jadi sekarang aku lagi menjalani pengobatan untuk ngurangin sariawan tersebut dan rencananya habis pengobatan ini aku mo pap smear, ntar ya insyaAllah aku tulis gimana2nya menjalani pap smear.

Balik lagi ke topik IUD, setelah pasang IUD, aku dikasih antibiotik dan pengurang sakit, trus seminggu lagi disuruh kontrol. Pas kontrol cm diUSG transvagina diliat posisinya bagus atau tidak, ternyata Alhamdulillah pas2 sj :)

Mengenai mitos2 pasang IUD, kayanya ada yg perlu diluruskan nih:

  • Kalo pasang IUD enggak boleh angkat berat, ini cuma berlaku seminggu setelah pasang IUD, setelah seminggu boleh2 aja
  • Pasang IUD bakalan sakit terus menerus di bagian bawah perut, hmm...memang di petunjuk IUD-nya ada keterangan itu, tp pengalamanku sakitnya cm pas hari2 pertama, sekitar dr hari 1-3 sj, setelah it biasa aja, cm pegel2 aj rasanya
  • Menstruasi bakal banyak dan sakit, nah ini lom ada pengalamannya....tamu bulanan lom dateng
  • Ada lagikah mitosnya? He....silahkan ditambahkan ;)
Aku sendiri pilih pasang IUD buat KB karena menurutku ini metode KB yg paling nyaman buat aku, kalo hormonal (suntik ato pil ato susuk) kurang suka, karena pengalaman orang bikin gemuk trus aku jg ngrasa kok hormon ditubuhku diganggu sm hormon2 suplemen, kalo kondom...hmm...lom ada pengalaman, tp kt orang enggak enak, hehe :p, sedangkan IUD enggak ada efek hormonal, trus jg nyantai pakenya enggak ada istilah lupa suntik ato lupa makan pil, kalo mo merencanakan kehamilan lagi lebih gampang, tinggal lepas aja, yg pasti lebi gampang nglepas IUD daripada susuk.

Owkeh...I think only this I can share about IUD..c u in another topic ;)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kapok Kapok Cabe Rawit Belanja di Online Shop

Bukannya bermaksud mendiskriditkan ols yaa....tp baru-baru ini kuciwa belanja di onlensop :(.

Online shop akhir2 ini memang lagi booming ya, memang sih secara kepraktisan, praktis banget bahkan tidak perlu keluar rumah, tinggal pilih barang, hubungi empunya ols, transfer via internet banking ato sms banking (kalo g punya account-nya terpaksa deh ke atm terdekat :p), konfirmasi ke empunya ols, tinggal tunggu barang datang deh. Kalo untuk beli barang-barang tertentu, yang standar barangnya jelas, kaya buku, clodi, dan sejenisnya, kayanya aman ya untuk beli di ols, tapi kalo kaya baju, kurang aman ya beli di ols.

Sudah 2 kali nih kuciwa belanja baju ols. Yg pertama belanja baju di ols A, memang sih jaitannya rapih, tapi bahannya kurang bagus, terus penampakan di website beda dg penampakan aslinya, tapi itu tidak membuatku jera karena ya lumayanla untuk harga segitu kualitas barangnya kaya gitu, jadi masih bisa dimaklumi. Trus yang kuciwa kedua kali, ini nih yg membuatku kapok, mesen baju di ols B, penampakan modelnya bagus di website,  pas dateng barangnya, walah yang masang risliting kuasaaaar banget, kaya anak SD masang risliting, belom lagi pas ktemuan jaitan di punggung tidak diobras, eduuun euy.... Dulu untungnya pernah kursus menjait sbentar, jadi taula sederhanany buat baju it gimana, ini kok jait rislitingnya bgini, kain tidak obras, gimana kalo brudul :(, tp y karena pikir ya sudahla dari luar enggak kliatan, yg penting pas dipake masih enak & bagus alias yg tidak rapih tadi enggak kliatan. Pesan lagi lah baju dari ols B, kali ini aku pesan 2 jenis, yg 1 katun, yg 1 lagi kaos, pas barangnya dateng lagi, yg bahan katun memang jaitannya bagus, tp kok barang yg dateng sm yg dipesen beda ya, warna yg dateng mati rasa, padahal di website warnanya bagus dan motifnya beda. Trus yg bahan kaos, warna dan bahan sesuai dg gambar di website, tp ada bagian yg enggak kliatan cm diobras aja, tanpa dilipat ato dijait ke dalam lagi. Whoaaa...kuciwa euy... Kalo beli langsung di toko kn kalo begini kan bisa dituker langsung, lha ini kalo belinya ols qt udah transfer duit duluan, gimana mo tuker, kalo dibalikin lagi bisa2 kena ongkir 2x, blom lagi kalo ols-nya enggak jujur, bisa2 enggak dibalikin.

Makanya buat aku belanja di ols kapok2 cabe rawit, maksudnya kapok mo beli baju di ols tp kalo liat barang2 ols lucu2 bangeeet jd kalap lg, tp kalo buat aku, pengalaman beli baju via ols ini bener2 bikin kapok...drpd beli barang di ols kuciwa lagi, mendingan beli langsung deh nyari baju menyusui drpd kuciwa lagi  :).

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bye Bye Bayi "Bau Tangan"

Bayi bau tangan? Beeewh....buat beberapa orang menyeramkan hal ini termasuk aku juga, tapi setelah baca artikel di bawah ini jadi tenang :).

Ovi itu termasuk bayi yg enggak begitu rewel pas awal2 setelah dia lahir, terus kok semakin ke sini semakin sering rewel dan kalo tidur enggak mau tidur di kasur ato di crib-nya, kecuali dia sudah tidur super duper nyenyak. Aku sih no problem banget ya mo gendong dy smbil dy tidur, karena baca-baca kalo "if you hold your baby close to you s/he will feel secure in exploring her/his new world", tapi kata orang2 di sekitar aku bilang, jangan sering2 gendong Ovi ntar dia jadi bau tangan, enggak berkembang fisiknya, dsb. Jadi bingung juga ya....di satu sisi aku enggak tega ngliat dy nangis g digendong, tapi di sisi lain takut juga ntar Ovi jadi bau tangan ntar pas udah balik ke Bandung akunya yg jadi repot kalo Ovi jadi bau tangan (secara enggak ada ortu ato mertua di Bandung). Karena Ovi akhir2 ini makin sering digendong biar bisa tidur, jadi aku google deh, ketemu nih artikel dari website baby centre.

Sebenernya Ovi enggak "bau tangan" amat yaaa... dia kalo malam itu sleep all through the night, palingan bangun buat breastfeed 2-4 jam skali, jadi aku bangun malem2 it cuma 2-3 kali, 4 kali aja jarang banget. Cm kalo siang aja Ovi enggak bisa lepas dr gendongan, mungkin karena Ovi pengen mengeksplorasi dunia barunya tapi masih blom feel secure kalo jauh dari Ibunya. Jadi setelah baca artikel ini aku jadi tenang banget, it's okay to spoil your young baby but when s/he 6 month's old, stop spoiling her/him gradually. Oia dari website sleepywrap dan pediatrics ini aku juga tau pentingnya tidak membiarkan bayi menangis sendiri dan tidak didekati seperti kepercayaan orang tua jaman dahulu, karena tindakan itu merupakan tindakan tidak sensitif dari orang tuanya.

Ini ya artikelnya yg dari baby centre....happy reading :)

Should I worry about spoiling my baby?

If I lavish love and attention on my baby, will I spoil him?

Sandy Bailey certified family life educator

No. Young babies are completely spoil-proof. Your baby needs all the care and attention you can give. Ignore the advice of well-meaning relatives who think babies need to learn independence. Instead, listen to your parental instinct — that inner voice that tells you to comfort your baby when he cries.

"Spoiled children" have learned to use negative behavior to get what they want. But your baby is too young to purposefully manipulate or annoy you. He cries to communicate his needs, whether they're for a snack, a dry diaper, or a little cuddling with Mom or Dad. When you respond quickly to your baby, you're building his sense of self-worth. You're also establishing a foundation of trust that can last for years to come.

If you give your baby prompt attention, he'll feel more secure and less anxious, giving him the courage to explore the world on his own. And once he understands that you take his cries seriously, he'll be less likely to cry for no reason. In the long run, responding quickly to your baby's needs will make him less clingy and demanding, not more.

By the time your baby is 6 to 8 months old, he'll be paying close attention to cause and effect — noticing, for instance, that his bowl falls when he drops it from the highchair. He'll also start to see a direct link between his actions and your responses. At this point it's okay to set some limits. If your baby starts crying to get something he doesn't need, hold your ground and give him a hug when he calms down. Similarly, give hugs and praise for good behavior and gently redirect him when he's doing something hazardous.

The right blend of love and guidance will eventually help your child understand his place in the world. But for now, your focus should be on giving him as much attention and comfort as you can. No matter how much you give, it's not more than he needs.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clodi Lokal....hmm....boleh juga :)

Masih bau2 Aku Cinta (buatan) Indonesia (duuuh...jadi inget sm lagu "Aku cinta buatan Indonesiaaaa...." lengkap dg nada keroncongnya), mo coba share nih pemakaian clodi lokal. 

Sampai saat ini aku punya 3 clodi lokal yaitu GG, Greennappy sm Pempem. Masih ngidam cluebebe, tp kok kayany lom berjodoh ya tiap mo beli :p. Yuks mari dimulai.....

  • GG, (pernah kebaca pas google2 kalo GG itu kepanjangannya Go Green, selama ini penasaran sih apa singkatannya it). Aku punya GG pocket diaper, sejauh ini paling suka sm GG karena
    • PUL-nya yg paling lembut, jd makeinnya agak tenang
    • Sejauh ini lom pernah bocor, pernah insertnya aku pakein popok tetra dilipet2, sampe 5 jam g bocor dan permukaan dalamnya masih kering
    • Permukaan dalamnya lembuuuut banget
    • Insertnya....hmm....rada2 standar nih
    • Tapi sayangnya....rada susah ngeringin cover-nya dibandingin sm Pempem
  • Pempem, aku punya pempem dg insert bamboo
    • PUL-nya rada kaku, jadi (mungkin cm sugesti saja...) kaki Ovi kok rada2 ngangkang ya...
    • Permukaan dalamnya rada kasar, kurang puas nih
    • Sama dg GG, lom pernah bocor
    • Insertnya yg bamboo, tipis, terdiri dari 2 pcs, enak sih pakenya jadi g terlalu bulky di Ovi, tapi (ah selalu ada tapinya, hihihi....) lama kering....kadang2 lebih lama keringnya dibandingin sm yg microfiber. Kalo aku sih pakenya jarang barengan, biasanya aku pisahin, jadi pake 1-1, biar g terlalu bulky
    • Nah, ini yg paling aku suka, cover pempem paling guampang kering, nyuci pagi pake tangan, siangnya sudah siap dipake ;)
  • GreenNappy, aku punya greennappy dg 2 mushroom soaker
    • PUL-nya lemes, tapi kok kesannya kaya plastik ya
    • Enggak ada permukaan dalam, jadi langsung cover-nya gitu, kliatan tipis banget 
    • Nah yg aku suka dari GN adalah 2 mushroom soakernya itu, memuaskan, karena walopun microfiber-nya basah, tp lapisan fleece-nya tetep kering, jadi tetep selesa di Ovi ;). Soaker-nya ini sering aku pakein ke diaper cover lainnya, kaya CB, Grovia,, dan biasanya soaker ini aku pakein buat malem bisa survive 4-6 jam
Karena baru punya 3 yg lokal, jd cm itu yg bisa aku review, ntr lagi ya kalo ada siap aku share lagi ;)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Carrier dan Pengaruhnya Ke Perkembangan Tulang Bayi

Hari ini biasa iseng2 browsing mbah Google, eh ketemu nih artikel menarik, jadi aku co-pas wae ke blog aku ;).  Hmm...memang artikel ini kayany berat sebelah ke baby wrap ya....tp teteup aja menarik buat dibaca, sengaja aku tarok sini biar kalo aku mo baca2 gampang, trus juga buat referensi ke orang2. Disini di bahas ttg gendongan baby monyet (ini istilah ibuku buat gendongan yg kaya model ransel itu), stroler sm ttg bedong sedikit, yah terus ujung2nya bahas babywrap, ntr kalo ketemu artikel lainnya aku masukin juga deh ;)

 *Btw, tadinya mo minta ijin copas, tp g ada kolom commentnya.....

Strollers, Baby Carrier and Infant Stress


Countries in Europe seems to host the most pediatricians who recommend that babies should lay flat on their backs in a stroller in early infancy and not be carried due to avoid pressure on their underdeveloped bodies. Yet, laying a young infant on his back alone in a stroller is actually stressful both physically and emotionally and can be developmentally inhibiting. Being carried or worn in an upright position with proper leg support is not only developmentally sound but the preferable way to bring the baby along with you throughout your day. Upright carrying optimizes the physical, emotional and intellectual growth of your baby.

Spine Development in an Infant
Our spine is not perfectly straight, even though it may appear so when looking at someone from the front or the back. When you look at a person from the side four slight curves are visible forming an elongated “S” shape. These curves help keep us flexible and balanced. They also help to absorb stresses placed on our bodies through daily activities that impact our spine like walking, running and jumping.
We weren’t born with these curves. Normal curves of the spine develop gradually. “They are formed as a consequence of adaptation to the external environment (gravity)”(Morningstar, 2005). At birth, babies are in a state of flexion, still curled up, with their spine in a natural long c-shaped (convex) curve. At first, a baby does not have the strength to hold his head up, nor the balancing curves in his spine to do so. But gradually as the muscles in his neck get stronger, he begins to lift his heavy head against gravity, and a curve starts to develop in his neck (the cervical curve) to help balance his head. When your baby starts to creep and crawl the lower back (lumbar curve) and the muscles that support it develop. Only by about the first year does your baby attain these curves in his spine (Leveau, 1877).

At Birth

The spine of an infant is C-shaped (a convex curve). He has neither the balancing curves nor the strength to his head upright.

First Several Months

As your infant works against gravity his muscles start to develop. Strong neck muscles help an infant hold up a heavy head forming the neck (cervical) curve of the spine.
Six Months to One Year

As an infant learns to crawl and stand, the lower back (lumbar) curve and his muscles develop so that he can stand upright. When he walks away from you on his own, only then are all of his curves developed.

Laying flat is Stressful on Spine and Hips
As shown above an infant’s c-shaped spine doesn’t stretch out immediately after birth. On the contrary, the s-shape of the spine is not fully developed until he starts to walk on his own. Laying your young infant flat on his back is not gentle on his spine. In fact, it is stretching the c-curved spine into a straight line. It is actually stressing the infant’s spine instead of supporting its natural shape. Research shows that keeping an infant’s spine straight is not a sound physiological position. In addition to stressing the baby’s spine it can also negatively influence the development of your baby’s hip joints (Kirkilionis, 2002).

Laying Horizontal Causes Physical Deformities
Not only is spending most of the day flat on your back bad for your hips but infants who lie frequently on their backs in a stroller may end up with plagiocephaly (deformed skulls, flattened on the back or side) and deformed bodies with poor muscle tone (Bonnet,1998). Research backed by the American Academy of Pediatrics states that “with prolonged immobilization on a firm mattress or a flat bed (as in a stroller), the constant influence of gravity flattens the body surface against the mattress producing positional disorders and infants with decreased muscle tone (Short, 1996)”.

Plagiocephaly in an infant corrected by helmet to reshape her head

Existence in Containers
This does not mean that laying flat for a couple of walks around the block in a stroller is going to wreak havoc on your baby’s physical development. But the truth is that the average Western infant between three weeks and three months of age is carried a little more than two and a half hours a day (Heller, 118.) We end up carrying the baby to the car in a container, through the store in a container, to eat lunch in a container, back to the car in a container and home in a container*. Sometimes from there to the swing that we can click right into without touching the baby so we can make dinner, into the bouncy seat while we eat, and soon after to sleep in a crib. The west has diverged from eons of child rearing and has gotten to the point so that objects are defining our baby’s existence more so than our bodies.
“To remove the newborn baby from his mother and place it on its back or on its front on a flat surface, often uncovered is to fail to understand the newborn’s great need for enfoldment, to be supported rocked and covered from all sides, and that the infant may only gradually be introduced to the world of more open spaces. From the supporting, continuous, tangible presence of his mother the infant will gradually come to move some distance toward the outside world”. (Montagu, 294)

Sometimes containers may help us out for short periods of time and free our hands. Yet, no container can replace a mother’s arms.
*Please note that the author does not mean to imply that a baby carrier should replace your car seat for transport while in the car. Never drive or carry your baby in the baby carrier while in a moving vehicle.

The Fetal Tuck

Newborns are virtually impossible to stretch out unless wrapped or swaddled. When you place an infant flat on his back, his thighs will usually be pulled up towards his chest (Schon, 2007), or when sleeping straddled and bent in a frog position. “The fetal tuck, the natural position of babies is the most calming and the most adaptive.
Infants use less oxygen which conserves energy and waste less calories and they digest their food better. It is also the best position for thermoregulation because of reduced stomach exposure. We have more efficient temperature regulating cells and more fat on the back side of our bodies as well. When we hold our infants stomach to stomach we are protecting all the receptor and vital organs (Montagu, 1986).
The instinctual flexed widespread legs that an infant maintains when picked up, coupled with the palmar plantar reflex that helps an infant to cling to his mother, suggests that infants little bodies are adapted to be carried upright and oriented toward their mothers.
By holding your baby with his knees flexed flat against your chest and supporting the his bottom you are supporting your baby in the natural position that his body instinctively assumes to ensure that he is comfortable, warm and safe.

Car Seats
If the stroller positions the baby in a somewhat upright position (like in infant car-seats) it may be gentler on the baby’s c-shaped spine in that it is not stretching it flat. However, although it may seem like gentler option for transporting your little one around, research by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association shows that car seats are not the ideal transport for your infant due to “restricted postural options which can impact your baby’s developing cranium and spine” (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association).
By keeping and maintaining the spine in a c-shaped configuration these contraptions can actually prevent and inhibit the natural curves forming. Babies can have a hard time acquiring adequate muscle strength to hold their big heads up if they don’t get much of a chance to deal with gravity.
This baby is enjoying a nap outside near the peonies. Although the car seat does support her spine and head and neck while she is napping, when she is awake the straps prevent her from working her muscles to hold up her own head. Many babies spend most of their waking hours in restrictive seats like these.

Carrying Upright Allows for Positive Physical Development
When infants are held upright, however, they are allowed to practice compensatory movements enhancing muscular strength and allow them more control over their fine motor skills. When the mother walks, stops, or turns an infant’s body naturally works against the pull of gravity to maintain his position. The force of gravity is a positive element in infant development allowing infants to learn from early on to hold their heads up and keep their bodies clinging to the mother and balanced in equilibrium.

Discord with Upright Carrying
So why do some still claim that the horizontal position is better for your infant? The physiological arguments as to why a baby should be transported in a horizontal position for his first months of life seem to stem from the assumption that the upright position may be stressful to his underdeveloped spine and pelvis.
Although some pediatricians are advocates of natural parenting, many don’t have that much hands on experience with baby carriers. They may be acquainted with the upright carriers from the eighties and nineties with the typical lack of adequate head/neck support, tight or chaffing leg holes, leaving babies to dangle from the crotch due to complete lack of leg support. Perhaps they have seen so many babies facing out when carried upright that they assume all upright carrying is nonsupportive.
It may be that the studies of the Inuit’s and their high prevalence of spondlylolisthesis or the Navajo Indians and their high prevalence of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is enough evidence from babywearing cultures to close the book- deem all upright baby carriers harmful-and recommend strollers as a safer option of transport.

The images above are perhaps the carriers that many doctors imagine and classify as unsafe or harmful.  Both are nonpysiological carrying devices.  These front facing carriers unlike, wraps, slings, mei-tais and soft structured carriers, do not provide proper leg support which can make their pelvis’ tilt backward and place them in the dangerous “hollow back position”.
Not facing the carrying adult, and facing out their center of gravity is off. Pressure is placed on the baby’s shoulders and the chest area, often retracting the shoulders and hollowing the back even more. Facing out is a nonphysiological position that places pressure on the inner thighs of the baby and the base of the spine. Upright carrying facing out is stressful on babies.
The wider base of the above carrier would provide some spinal support (maintaining the natural convex “c-shape”) if the baby was turned facing the mother and his bottom was seated in it. Instead the baby’s spine is straightened and often hyperextended (concave “hollow back” shaped) due to weak abdominal muscles and lack of leg support.
When an infant is carried in a baby carrier he should be oriented toward the mother and ideally the fabric should extend to the back of the knee to adequately support the legs, which in turn positions the pelvis, and then supports the spine properly. Although the baby does benefit from being carried close to his mother, facing out in this position there is no leg support, improper spine and hip support, and no head or neck support if the baby falls asleep.

Swaddling Infant Legs linked to Hip Dysplasia
Although there is a myriad of psychological, emotional and physiological benefits from the swaddling style of the Navajos, there is clear evidence that swaddling the legs, so that they were bound together and not allowed to flex at the knee or at the hip, lead to hip abnormalities (Crisholm, 1983). In the case of the Navajos, stress to the hips of the infant was not caused by the upright positioning but from improper leg support, by not allowing the legs to spread or the knee to freely bend (Van Slewen, 2007). By not allowing the head of the femur to sit in the socket, due to forced straightening of the legs, the socket often did not develop properly causing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip or DDH (Crisholm,1983).
Although carrying your young infant laying in the horizontal position with legs together in a baby carrier (like a sling or a wrap) provides adequate spinal support, it is not the optimal nor the preferred position for hip development or prolonged carrying, especially if there is congenital dysplasia present in the infant.
The American Academy of Pediatrics released a review of swaddling under Van Slewen in 2007 that reaffirmed that infant’s legs should not be tightly swaddled. In 1965, the incidence of DDH (developmental dysplasia of the hip) was high in Japan when a swathing diaper was used widely by the population. The swathing diaper kept the hips together. However eight years later in 1973, doctors advised mothers to avoid “prolonged extension of the hip and knee of infants during early postnatal life”. Soon after experts reported a marked decrease in infants with DDH (Van Slewen, 2007).
Babies love to be contained and enclosed but straightening their legs goes against their instinctual position of flexed widespread legs. This baby is swaddled so that the legs are wrapped loosely and not forcefully straightened.

Harmful Hollow Back Position Due to Lack of Leg Support in Carriers
The Inuit’s use of papooses, which also inadequately support the legs and retract the shoulders, places the spine in a compromising “hollow back” or hyper-extended position. With unsupported legs and very weak abdominal muscles the pelvis tilts back in the infant and hyper-extends his back. Taking in the pressure produced with each step the mother takes on his hyper-extended spine is stressful on an infant.
The development of spondylolisthesis, the slipping of the vertebrae to compensate from repeated stress (usually on a hyper-extended spine) is pretty common in gymnasts and weight lifters. It is also unusually high in the Inuit and Athabascan populations- where nearly half may be afflicted.
Yochum and Rowe suggested that the Inuits, who carry their infants in a papoose, place undue amount of premature stress on the pars (part of the vertebrae) and explains the high prevalence of (isthmic) spondylolisthesis in their population. Since no one has ever been born with spondylolisthesis, Yochum and Rowe dismiss the possible genetic element as the cause instead favoring the papoose (a nonphysiological carrying device) as a more favorable explanation to the cause of the disease (Wong, 2004).
Although different in appearance, any modern baby carrier that does not support an infant’s legs (in a flexed abducted position oriented toward the wearer), any front facing carrier with leg holes is no more developmentally sound than a papoose, as these carriers retract the shoulders and create the stressful “hollow back” position. Lacking proper leg support infant biomechanics when worn in papooses, cradle boards and front-facing baby carriers with leg holes are very similar, pinning the shoulders back and placing the entire child’s weight on his crotch or the base of the spine.

Navajo Cradleboard Inuit Papoose. Baby with swaddled legs in a nonphysiological position.

Flexed Abducted (Seated Straddling) Position Supports Legs
Upright baby carriers that support the legs carry a baby as a mother would naturally would in arms do not compromise a baby’s spine or hips (Kirkilionis, 2002). When an infant’s legs are flexed and straddled, the instinctive position that his little body assumes when picked up, the head of his femur (bone of the thigh) fills out the hip socket (acetabulum). The hip socket is filled most evenly when the legs are pulled up to roughly 100 degrees and spread roughly 40 degrees at the same time (Kirkilionis, 2002). DDH does not occur when an infant’s legs are supported. Actually this is the position that doctors advocate as treatment for babies with hip dysplasia.
Interestingly enough the Netsilik Inuits who are big babywearers don’t use papooses but carry their infants in their amautis of their parkas. They assume a seated straddling position on their mother’s back inside their coats (Montagu, 1986). There have been no studies indicating prevalence of either DDH or spondylolisthesis in this northern Inuits baby carrying group. Their hips and spines develop normally.
This baby’s spine, hips, and legs are supported.
A mother using either her arms or a simple piece of cloth, supports her baby’s legs in a flexed (with the knees bent) abducted (away from midline) position supporting the hip and the spine. Instead of fabric at the crotch which contributes no leg support, or swaddling the legs which is too restrictive, ergonomic carriers put the baby in the position that supports the legs just as a mother’s arms would. The flexed abducted position is what infants are hard-wired to assume when picked up. (Schon, 2007). It is what nature intended- legs spread around the mother’s hip, back or torso with knees bent in a seated position.
A mother’s arms support the baby’s bottom and legs. Subsequently, pressure is taken off the spine and the weight of the baby is evenly distributed in an ergonomic position.

The fabric is pulled to the back of the baby’s knees offering proper leg support. The legs should be pulled to at least hip level for optimal positioning and proper hip development.
The photo on right shows proper spine position, oriented toward mother, proper leg support, proper head/neck support.

Improved Respiratory Patterns Carried in Upright Position
Proponents of horizontal positioning in early infancy may be concerned with whether the infant actually receives adequate levels of oxygen while being carried as compared to in a stroller. According to Dr. Maria Blois, premature infants placed in an upright position on their mother’s chests had improved respiratory patterns and are more regular than in an incubator.
They also showed “reduced episodes of sleep apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) and bradycardia (slowing of the heart rate). Transcutaneous oxygen levels do not decrease indicating that oxygen saturation is not compromised”. These studies were done on premature infants some weighing as little as three pounds, placed upright on their mother’s chest. The preferred position for these tiny three pound babies is upright- usually secured by a piece of cloth. They thrive upright on their mother’s chest and are almost allowed to leave the hospital earlier than little preemies left in incubators.(Blois,72). If the upright position is the preferred position for a three pound preemie, it doesn’t make sense that it could be harmful to a newborn.

Upright Position in Baby Carrier Prevents Ear Infections and Relieves symptoms of GERD
Lying horizontally is not only a poor option for your baby’s spine, hips, and cranium, it can also be a major contributing factor inner ear infections in infants. Gastric reflux of contents into the middle ear causes ear infections. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD can be pretty prevalent in infants as sphincters tend to take a while to fully close.
Infants diagnosed with GERD are advised to be carried upright to ease the symptoms. Yet as infants are frequently placed lying in the horizontal position, not only are the symptoms exacerbated, but gastric juices can enter the immature Eustachian tubes easier making reflux from the throat into the middle ear more probable. The same may occur when bottle fed infants are fed positioned flat on their backs and not slightly upright as milk may enter into the middle ear.
The build up in the Eustachian tube can cause inflammation and a buildup of bacteria and subsequently an infection. Wearing your baby upright can actually be a preventative measure against ear infections and can help ease the symptoms of GERD (Schon, 2007).

Upright Position Tunes Vestibular System
Another benefit of carrying your baby is that carried babies receive a lot of vestibular stimulation whereas lying babies do not. Our vestibular system helps us out with our sense of balance and our security in space. When a mother holds her baby, the baby moves back and forth with mom’s walking and side to side from her swaying or rocking. Mom may stop and turn and reach to grab something or she may moves gently smoothly. All of these varied movements force her baby to respond appropriately to keep himself balanced. All of these movements tune her baby’s vestibular system.
When pushed in a stroller the movement is either forward or backward planar movement and not very varied. When changed from the upright position and the containment of his mother’s arms to the horizontal position laying down uncontained a baby may produce random movements and suddenly flail his arms and legs as if to save himself from falling. This is called a baby’s Moro Reflex. It acts as a baby’s primitive fight/flight reaction and is replaced later in life by an adult ‘startle’ reflex.
Carrying, rocking and swaying stimulate an infants’ vestibular apparatus and helps them to feel secure in space. Most babies today spend most of their day apart from their mothers in a container or in a stroller leaving them prone to vertigo, and a feeling of physical insecurity in space in general. Native Americans are typically very secure in space are actually known for their comfort with heights and apparently tend to have little problem washing skyscraper windows. Most Native Americans were swaddled or spend most of their infancy either in cradleboards or on their mother’s hips owing to enhanced vestibular development. Interestingly enough, the fear of flying and the fear of heights which plagues many of today’s adults can often be traced back to not being carried as an infant. Carried babies feel secure and are less apt to develop space related phobias. (Montagu, 1986)

Upright on Mother’s Chest- Learning all the Time
Babies have reason to feel secure. They physically need to be in close contact with their mothers. They giggle and coo and drink in all of our expressions. Upright on mother they are able to view the world unobstructed from a safe place and can learn about all around them at their own pace. Not only are babies better off physically, in the upright position they are happier and calmer when held upright. Dr Sharon Heller states,
“The more time that babies spend vertical, the more time that they are alert and calm. Even newborns that spend most of their time sleeping, stop crying and perk up when picked up and placed on our shoulder. Interestingly, how alert a newborn is relates to where he is. Upright in an infant seat, he is less alert than when upright in arms… Vertical positioning as optimal in infants makes perfect sense. Think of how much time our infants spend horizontal- flat on their back in a crib or a buggy. Might this affect their alertness? There’s a good chance… Researchers found that infants too young to sit independently learn more when placed in a vertical position.”(Heller, 94)

Upright on Mom’s Chest Stimulates all the Senses
And what an incredibly stimulating environment. Not only can the infant learn about the world around her from all the different sights she sees, she is in the state of mind to do so. When an infant is calm but alert, that’s when all the information is allowed to permeate into his being. He finds out about the world and his place in it.
“Our body is a sensual cornucopia where smiles, aromas and laughter mingle amid undulating caresses that put the entire sensory world at our baby’s fingertips. Our baby gets tactile or cutaneous stimulation from our skin touching hers and proprioception from the pressure of her limbs flexed into our body. She gets tactile, olfactory, and gustatory stimulation if we nurse, of our milk, and vestibular stimulation from the gentle stimulation of our movements and, when held upright, from her efforts to right her head and maintain her balance. She gets visual stimulation when she looks all around her, auditory impulses as we whisper endearments, and kinesthetic stimulation as we change her to the other side… when we put our babies in a container, and especially if out of sight all of this sensory nourishment is lost.” (Heller,112)

Autonomic System Regulation Easier for Carried Infants
The mother/infant relationship actually provides physiological regulation of the infant’s autonomic system. Studies have shown that when an infant is taken away from his mother he experiences a “decreased heart rate, temperature decreases, sleep disturbances and EEG changes”- representing an impairment in the regulating processes of his own little body (Archer, 1992). On separating mother and baby, his immune system weakens. His body literally stops producing as many leukocytes. But when mother rejoins him, he strengthens again (Montagu, 1986). An infant’s body physically needs his mother present to help regulate his own body.

Mechanistic Child Rearing and Dissuasion of Infant Carrying
With all the studies and the clear physical benefits of carrying a baby upright on mother’s chest it’s hard to understand a pediatrician’s ambivalence on the matter or outright scorn when his patients choose to do so. Perhaps the reason for not supporting upright carrying may be that they want to discourage mothers from spoiling their babies or to prevent the mother and baby from getting too close or attached to each other.
Straying from wearing our babies may be linked to the old school of thought in which dates back to 1928 when the famous behaviorist Doctor Watson set out to change the course of humanity and make infants independent, strong and tough. His theory was that we were all born basically a blank slate- ignoring any evolutionary hard wiring or any inborn biological tendencies- and that in order to “form” an independent child it was necessary to prevent the newborn baby from creating dependent habits. In other words, if you hold on to your baby he will cling to you and never let go. He will be needy. Not only should you withhold from carrying your baby but cuddling, kissing and rocking him too; if you show affection, your baby will expect it.
So many of our grandparents and parents were influenced by this mechanistic train of thought, pressured by the experts to believe that if we picked up their babies when they cried that we would create a tyrant of a child and become enslaved. Unfortunately this psychology had has a profound effect upon pediatric thinking and practice and even pervades into conversations between mothers and doctors today. (Montagu, 1986)

Evolutionary Need for Touch
Most mothers are still pressure to carry out the harsh parenting methods that were inculcated into our grandparents and our parents. Yet, these mechanistic methods only go back so far. Anthropologist James McKenna claims that with our babies more often in a type of container than in our arms, they are at “odds with evolution”. “Virtually all of our biochemistry and physiology are fine-tuned for the conditions of life that existed when we were hunters and gatherers, in which babies were held by their mothers. Our culture may be changing, but our evolutionary need for touch remains the same.
Babies’ brains have evolved to expect closeness and proximity-to be held- for their safety, their psychological growth, physical growth, mental growth, to aid and stabilize their physiological processes and keep their immune systems strong” (Field, 69-74). “Touch is not an emotional fringe benefit. It’s as necessary as the air we breathe” (Heller, 5).

Making Carrying- The Rule of Thumb, Strollers- The Exception

Even though most Western parents cannot conceive of life without a stroller, they are not as gentle on an infant to as we assume them to be. Placing an infant alone on his back for long periods of time is not what we as humans are hard-wired to expect. Lying horizontally in early infancy is not easier or less stressful on an infant’s spines, skulls, or necks. Upright on mother’s body, mom adjusts to all her baby’s movements, and he to hers, moving like perfect dance partners. The two create a rhythm together, physically, and psychologically and move together in sync. Even the most state of the art strollers can’t provide the warmth that a mother’s body does, her comforting smell, the varied movement, and the sensitive motherly responses that are so essential to her baby’s healthy growth and development, especially during such a critical period when his brain is growing more than any period in his life. No toys can match the joy that an infant gets from his mother’s face. Alone, gazing up at a fabric liner with which the manufacturer chose to line the stroller is no comparison to the rich environment he witnesses and observes himself when he moves together through the day with his mother.
Strollers are not “bad” per se. To go further, babywearing and strollers need not be mutually exclusive as long as an infant is content and his cues are responded to when he signals that he needs to be held (seated and facing his mother is preferable to encourage interactions and communication) (Zeedyk, 2008).

Laying babies flat on their backs in a stroller is actually not easier on their necks, spines, hips, or their minds. Nature intended for babies to be carried. Upright positioning with proper leg support is the preferable position for your infant and is gentle enough not to physically stress even tiny three pound babies. A mother should trust what her heart tells her, by holding baby close to her heart she will not only be choosing the most beneficial and physically supportive method of bringing baby along with her, she will be providing the optimal environment for his psychological and emotional growth as well.

Archer, J. (1992). Ethology and Human Development. Rowman.
Blois, M. (2005). Babywearing. Pharmasoft Publishing.
Bonnet, E.. (1998 ). In Points made during discussions regarding the carrying of Infants and small children, Published in Krankengymnastik 50 Jg (1998) No.8
Crisholm, J, & . (1983). Navajo Infancy: An Ethological Study of Child Development. Aldine Transaction.
Field, T.(2003). Touch. First MIT Press.
Heller, S. (1997). The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads To Happier, Healthier Development. Holt Paperbacks.
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Baby Wearing: Suggestions for Carrying your Baby. http://www.icpa4kids.org/research/children/babywearing.html
Kirkilionis, E. (2002). Carrying an Infant: More than the Possibility of Child Transport. Kosel.
Le Veau, B.. (1984, Dec). Developmental Biomechanics: Effect of Forces on the Growth, Development, and Maintenance of the Human. Physical Therapy. www.physicaltherapyjournal.com/cgi/content/abstract/64/12/1874
Montagu, A. (1986). Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. Harper Paperbacks.
Morningstar. (2005). Reflex Control of the Spine and Posture: A Review of the Literature from a Chiropractic Perspective.

Chiropractic & Osteopathy. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16091134
Newman, P. H. THE ETIOLOGY OF SPONDYLOLISTHESIS. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery. 45(1963), 35-59.www.jbjs.org.uk/cgi/content/abstract/45-B/1/39
ROWE, Y. (1987). ESSENTIAL SKELETAL RADIOLOGY. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
Schon, R. (2007). Natural Parenting-Back to Basics in Infant Care. 5(1), 102-183. from Evolutionary Psychology from http://www.epjournal.net/filestore/ep05102183.pdf
Short, M. (1996). The Effects of Swaddling versus Standard Positioning in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Neonatal Network. 15(4).from http://www.cebp.nl/vault_public/filesystem/?ID=2156
Van Slewen et al,. (2007, Oct). Swaddling: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 120(4), 1097-1106.from

Wong, L. C. (2004, Jun). Rehabilitation of a patient with a rare multi-level isthmic spondylolisthesis: a case report. 142-151. The Journal of the
Canadian Chiropractic Organization from www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1840041
Zeedyk, S.. (2008). What’s Life in a Baby Buggy Like? The Impact of Buggy Orientation on Parent-Infant Interaction and Infant Stress.
University of Dundee/National Literary Trust, Nov. 21, 2008). from www.literacytrust.org.uk/talktoyourbaby/Buggy_research.pdf

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Newborn in Clodi :)

Sudah g terasa nih si Ovi udah hampir sebulan :). Sudah mulai dicicilin nih pake clodi.
  • Umur 1 hari-7hari, Ovi blom dipakein clodi (masih kecil banget....) lagian pup-ny masih pasta buanget, trus pipisnya juga belom banyak, jadi di masa2 ini masih dipakein popok tali yg super duper tipis it, sm popok prefold tetra.
  • Umur 7 hari-2minggu, Ovi full pake popok prefold tetra lengkap dengan peniti gedenya yg kaya di kartun-kartun itu, hehe... Pas masa2 ini cucian buanyaaaak banget (pernah 1 hari 1 malem habis 24 lembar popok tetra), karena kalo pipis, pasti ngrembes jg ke bedongnya, kadang sampe ke bajunya, waaah kasian sm ART yg nyucinya, sampe2 dy nyuci pagi-sore biar enggak bgtu banyak cuciannya. Pas masa2 ini pupnya Ovi cair banget, kadang dy ngentut pun ikut kluar, pipisnya juga lumayan banyak.
  • Umur > 4 minggu, nah karena ga tega liat Ovi yg bobonya keganggu kebangun terus gara2 pipis + pup, akhirnya aku nekat makein clodi, walopun pas awal rasanya ga tega liat dy jd gendut bgt & bulky, tp drpd tidurny tiap 1-2jam nangis karena pipis ato pup. Trus juga aku ga tega liat ART-ku cuciannya buanyaaaak bgt, ak juga sebenernya ikutan stres sih kalo pake popok tetra terus2an karena kalo hujan otomatis keringnya susyeeeh. Voila, setelah pake clodi Ovi bobonya nyenyak, cm kbangun buat mimik, itupun kadang g bangun2 bgt, dy cm nangis dikit, aku kasih ASI, sudah....dy aja masih mejem2 gt pas mimiknya, senangnyaaaa... Cucian juga berkurang dg bermakna, bedong yg dulu 1 hari bisa sampe 6-8 lembar, sekarang cm 1-3 lembar, popok tetra jg berkurang, palingan 1 hari kepake 4-5 lembar, karena popok tetra ini aku pakein buat insert2 clodi yg model pocket. Sekarang aku cm punya 5 clodi, 2 impor (Grovia, Charlie Banana), 3 lokal (Green Nappy, GG, Pempem). 
Kiri ke kanan: GN (dg GG Nappy liner), Pempem + insertnya, Grovia, Insert CB
So far, yg paling sering aku pake sih Grovia, CB sm GG, karena ntah kenapa kalo dipake Ovi g terlalu bulky. Biasanya CB sm Grovia aku pakein kalo malem dg insertnya GN, Grovia, CB (gentian wae nih, pake-cuci-kering, hehe....) GG biasanya aku pakein buat cadangan kalo malem, biasanya aku pake pas jam2 mo subuh gt, biar seger aja area situnya, hehe..

Aku juga seneng mengkombinasi insert dg diaper covernya, skrg sih siklusnya, Grovia dg insert Grovia, GN, GG. Kalo CB dg insert CB, GN. Kalo GG, Pempem biasanya insertnya aku pakein popok tetra dan aku pakein pas siang aja, jd 2-3 jam aku genti insertnya, kalo terlalu basah biasanya aku siram sedikit trus jemur. Pemakaian siang juga aku kombinasi dg popok prefold tetra, biar bernapas dikit area situnya, hehe...
Pemakaian malam biasanya aku genti skitar 4-5jam, ga tega euy kalo smpe semaleman enggak digenti (pernah gak digenti semaleman pas kasih ASI bau pesing anakku :( ). GN sendiri jarang aku pake, ntah kenapa Ovi kalo dipakein GN nangis gt.

Setelah punya pengalaman enaknya pake clodi, sekarang jadi ketagihan mo beli clodi lagi, kayanya punya 5 kurang ya....karena kaya dikejer2 gt nyucinya, hehe... Oia and so far aku cm kepake 3 pospak ukuran S, hehe....lumayan penghematan, karena cerita temenku dy pake pospak untuk anaknya yg newborn bs 6-7 pospak (wuiiih....itung aja ya....kalo 6 pospak x Rp.2000 x 30 hari = .......).

Sekarang juga lebih seneng pake pocket diaper, bukan diaper cover (pas waktu hamil dulu lebih suka diaper cover), karena kalo pake pocket diaper insertnya bisa dari popok tetra, lumayan murah ketimbang beli insert2 clodi terpisah (pernah liat di LaVie harga insert NN (No Name) 30 rb) trus juga insert clodi lama keringnya (karena aku cuci tangan & enggak diperes di mesin cuci, jadi insert2 it pasti keringnya nyaris 2 hari, padahal aku lagi di Palembang yg panasnya kaya mo jemur ikan asin wae, hehe....)

Buat mommies yg punya newborn, monggo wae dipake clodi-clodinya, jangan ragu-ragu, demi kemaslahatan umat & absolutely for go green!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Aku Cinta (buatan) Indonesia

Sengaja nih pilih judul ini, karena setelah mikir2, kayany qt sekarang cenderung lebi percaya sama produk impor ya....(termasuk penulis juga....tp setelah membaca di koran kompas, kalo qt pake produk impor keuntungannya ujung2ny ke orang luar negeri jg yg notabene sudah tajir2 euy.....).

Nah yg mau dihubungkan dengan judul ini sih setelah melahirkan ini aku mencoba memakai jamu tradisional. Jamu yg kmrn aku pake sih Jamu Air Mancur yg 1 paket Selapan. Karena aku g tahan dg minum jamu yg pait2 gt, aku beli yg paket pil, biar rajin & gampang minumnya. Nah di paket Selapan ini ada 3 jenis pil yg diminum, pil I (isi 20 tab), pil II (20 tab x 4 kotak), pil III (20 tab x 2 kotak), trus ada juga obat2 luarnya, kaya pilis (biar g pusing), tapel (untuk mengecilkan perut), parem mustajab & parem kencur (hehe...namanya rada norak ya?hihihi).

Setelah pulang dari RS, mulailah terapi tradisional ini, aku minum pil-pil jamu ini sm aku cobain pake tapel. Awal pake tapel sih rada pesimistik & g percaya juga, ah masa sih bisa mengecilkan perut tapi ya tetep wae ta'coba, toh nothing to lose kalo g mujarab, jadi mulailah pake tapel it sekitar kurleb 7 hari setelah melahirkan. Keadaan perut saat itu: otot perut kendor, perutnya gede dg kulit yg tidak kencang (sempet frustasi jg ngliat perut kaya bgitu). Jadi habis mandi sore ta'pake lah tapel, wktu it karena azas g percaya, jadi 4tab tapel ak campur air & hampir semuany ak tarok diperutku. Beberapa menit setelah pake tapel enak bgt, dingin....trus setelah itu aku pake gurita korset sm stagen, ternyata 1 jam setelah aku pake tapel itu rasanya puanaaasss banget & trasa gatel bgt di beberapa bagian perutku. Rasanya g tahan bgt mo nglepasin & nggarukinnya, sampe curhat ke Ibuku kalo tapel itu rasanya gateel banget, kata Ibuku itu tanda tapelnya kerja. Ya sudah aku tahan aja gatel & panasnya itu dg cara tidur, he...biar lupa gatel sm panasnya...hehe... Besok paginya, begitu aku buka stagen sm guritanya, olala....perutku sudah mengecil dg signifikan, horeeee....!!!! :) Otot perut yg tadinya kendur sudah mulai kenceng & kulit yg kendur jg sudah mulai kencang. Wah, ternyata obat tradisional indonesia lebih bermakna daripada produk2 merk bule, hehe... Beberapa hari sebelomnya, aku jg sudah pake krim2 pengencang perut, tp enggak ada yg menunjukkan hasil yg bermakna dibandingkan tapel ini. Total sekarang aku udah lebih dari 5x pake tapel, sekarang perutnya sudah mendekati keadaan perutku sebelom hamil Ovi. Senangnya euy......

Mengenai pil-pil Jamu yg aku makan, hmm....memang efeknya g sehebat efek si Tapel itu, tp karena rajin minum pil Jamu itu, Alhamdulillah asi-ku lancar & cukup buat si Ovi yg rajin minta mimik, walopun aku g bgtu banyak makan (memang disengaja biar lemak-lemak dibadan yg dijadiin asi, skrg 3minggu setelah melahirkan beratku tinggal 4 kg lagi ke berat badan sebelom hamil ;) ).

Jadi, sapa bilang Jamu kita kalah dg obat2 sinshe....enggak ada salahnya nyoba jamu tradisional (in my case, g tradisional bgt karena sudah dalam bentuk pil jamu), makanya dalam hal obat2an herbal, marilah kita cinta buatan Indonesia, kalo bukan qt yg pake.....sapa lagi yg mo pakenya :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Updated Biaya Melahirkan dengan Askes PNS

Alhamdulillah aku sudah melahirkan dengan selamat, anakku juga sehat dan selamat. Bye bye rencana melahirkan normal karena proses persalinanku ada masalah, tapi ga papalah yang penting Ibu dan Anak sehat & selamat.

Nah kembali lagi ke judul qt, kemaren aku melahirkan di RS Mohamad Hoesin Palembang, pertimbangan melahirkan di sini karena selaen Sp.OG-ku bisa melahirkan disini, alat, tempat, tenaga medisnya juga suportif disini.

Setelah diskusi dengan Sp.OG masalah proses persalinan yg kemungkinan keberhasilannya kalo dilahirkan normal hanya 20-30% (dan juga mengingat pengalaman dulu pas PTT) akhirnya aku sm suami sm Sp.OG memutuskan untuk operasi Sectio Sesaria.

Sempet jiper juga (mudah2an tau ya maksud jiper...hehe..) masalah biaya pas mo SC karena kita udah naek kelas ke VIP utama di bangsal kebidanan (Alasan naek ke kelas utama karena kelas yg sesuai dg jatah Askes (yaitu kelas Ia) sudah pada penuh). Mana inget jg dibilangin dulu kalo melahirkan SC naek kelas ke VIP utama nambahnya 10 jt. Tunggu punya tunggu, setelah dirawat 4 hari, akhirnya datanglah petugas Askes bilangin kalo qt cm nambah 5,4jt, whoaaa....Alhamdulillah masih terjangkau :). Rinciannya sih, kalo g salah ya, karena suamiku yg ngurusin ya, nambah biaya kamarnya permalam 275rb (kamarnya gede....yg kelas 1a untuk 2orang di vip utama cm bwt aku sendiri), trus nambah yg laen2 (yg ini aku bingung ya, karena kata suamiku semua biaya dipotong sm Askes) skitar 3jt-an. Jd total untuk penambahan Ibu 4,3jt, untuk baby 1,1 jt.

Alhamdulillah, puas euy.... mana di RSMH di sini super duper pro ASI, jadi setelah melahirkan aku langsung minta rawat gabung, jadi bener2 bisa ASI on demand, trus pas aku bilang ke bidan2 disana jangan dikasih sufor, mereka malah bilang "Wah Ibu, disini kalo Ibu yang mo ngasih sufor Ibu malahan yg tanda tangan di surat pernyataan, kemudian qt jg tidak menyimpan sufor", wuih, baru ini aku denger ada pasien yang tanda tangan kalo mo kasih sufor. Trus slama usaha qt mo kasih ASI, bidan2 & perawatnya bener2 suportif, mereka bener2 kasih semangat buat nyusuin, salut euy.... ASI-ku bener2 baru keluar setelah 1 hari, sebelomnya Ovi cm nyusu2 gt aja, yg keluar dikit, tp aku juga g pantang nyerah karena dikasih semangat sm bidan2nya dan perawat2nya, dan juga sm temen2ku :).

Nah, begitulah ceritaku pas melahirkan dengan ASKES, mudah2an pengalamanku ini bisa berguna buat orang laen ya :), dimaklumin w kalo rada2 ngalor ngidul ^^

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pasca Operasi HNP & Melahirkan Normal, Bisakah? (Part 2)

Hmm...kayanya judulnya perlu diubah nih, cita-cita melahirkan normal g kesampean di anak pertama ini. Karena air ketubanku udah pecah duluan & kering sedangkan belom ada pembukaan, trus ada lilitan tali pusat di leher anakku.

Oia kembali ke laptop (copas dr Tukul...hehe...). Setelah disarankan oleh Sp.OG-ku untuk dilahirkan secara SC, yg pertama kali kepikiran, waduuuh gimana ntar mo di anestesi setengah badan ya, kn ada pen & bekas operasi HNP.

Jadi sewaktu residen anestesi dateng buat ngcek kondisi aku, langsung deh panjang lebar aku jelaskan kalo staon yg lalu pernah operasi, operasi HNP di L4-L5 dan L5-S1, g ada masalah selama operasi, trus ada pen di L4-L5. Kata residen itu ntar dikonsultasikan sm dokter spesialis anestesinya.

Tunggu punya tunggu, akhirnya dipanggil juga dari kamar buat operasi, Alhamdulillah pas diruangan operasi ketemu sm yg biusnya, aku jelasin lagi kalo ada pen di L4-L5, kata dokter anestesinya ntr obatnya dimasukin dari L2-L3 aja karena ada pen di L4-:L5. Syukurla kalo gt.

Akhirnya setelah operasi sekitar 45 menit, lahirla anak perempuan pertamaku, begitu mendengar tangisannya nangis aku, terharu, setelah dibawa ke mana-mana selama 9 bulan, akhirnya lahir dg slamat. Maaf ya blom bisa share kalo mo lahiran normal ngaruh g ke bekas operasi HNP-nya, rencana anak berikutnya pengen normal, tp harus dijarakin 2-3 tahun kalo mo normal, kalo kurang dari 2tahun sudah hamil lagi, terpaksa dioperasi lagi :(.

Serunya Pake Huggy Wrap

Yup, setelah kemaren ak share masalah berburu babywrap, setelah Ovi lahir pas umur dy seminggu & luka operasi sc-ku enakan dibawa jalan, baru d aku coba pake huggywrap. Pertama kali nyoba huggywrap dg posisi hammock sempet salah juga karena g liat petunjuk pemakaian, jadi kaki Ovi ak masukin duluan baru kepala sm badannya, setelah liat dipetunjuk yg ak download dari Sl*****W***, ternyata salah urutannya, setelah nyoba yg ketiga kalinya baru deh bener pemakaian Hammock position.

Kesan aku pake Hammock position, hmm....awalnya sempet takut jg keplitek lehernya (halah bahasane.....mudah2an pada tau maksud "keplitek" itu apa) ap punggungnya salah posisi, tapi setelah liat Ovi g nangis at rengeng jadi tenang karena kalo emang posisinya g enak pasti dy sudah nangis kuat-kuat. Begitu Ovi diletakkan di hammock position, dy langsung diem sambil ngantuk2 gt, dan tak berapa lama kemudian....voila.....she's falling asleep... Padahal aku gendong palingan 5-10menitan, g pake acara nyanyi2 lullaby, wuiih senangnya (kalo digendong dg metode konvensional Ovi butuh 15-20menit untuk tidur + ada nyanyian lullaby-nya tuh). Alhamdulillah jg pas dikeluarin dari huggywrap, Ovi tetap anteng, senenge....g sia-sia euy beli Huggywrap.

Kesan orang-orang liat aku pake Huggywrap:
Ibuku bilang, "Halah mo gendong aja ribet, pake diubet2" (Beliau adalah penganut paham gendongan konvensional yg panjang itu, sorry Mom aku g bisa pakenya & takut pundakku miring sebelah ntar :p). 
Trus tetangga depanku bilang, "Waaah....lucuna gendongannya, gendongan model baru y mbak? Enak jadinya tangannya g perlu megangin lagi bayinya, beli dimana?" (Berhubung tetanggaku itu sudah agak sepuh, jadi aku cm jawab "beli via internet bu")
Keponakanku bilang, "Susah g bulik pakenya?" (Hehe...awalnya sih sebuah perjuangan juga makenya, mana Ibuku sempet g stuju, tp setelah beliau liat Ovi tidur nyenyak digendong bgitu jadi no komen jg)

Sejauh ini sih baru berani pake Hammock position, mungkin posisi "Love your baby" at posisi gendong ke depan ntar deh dicobain kalo Ovi udah kuat duduk sendiri.

Updated Pake Huggy Wrap
Akhir2 ini aku lagi seneng2nya pake HW versi newborn hold ato upright position. Awalnya nyobain versi ini karena baca di halaman blog aku yg lain  klo baby itu ngrasa nyaman pas digendong kalo perutny nempel dg perut ibunya, mana Ovi lg seneng2ny kalo dgendong kepalany ke atas bukan kaya biasanya. So, setelah google2 & baca cara pemakaiannya, aku cobain, yg jadi concern utama aku gimana posisi si Ovi di dalem HW. Pernah baca di suatu forum kalo posisinya kaya posisi fetus, ak cobalah posisi fetus, eh si Ovi kok kayanya enggak nyaman ya, terus aku coba froggy style position, jadi kaki Ovi memang dibuka, dan bukan ditekuk di depan perutny, jadi kakinya di samping bawah pinggangnya (yang penting lutut Ovi sejajar ato lebih tinggi dari panggulnya), voila.....setelah dicoba dy nyaman euy, bahkan 5-10 menit kemudian sukses dy tidur dg kepala & telinganya nempel di dadaku :). Tapi yg lucu dari posisi ini, kalo aku ngomong terlalu kuat ato ketawa terlalu kuat, Ovi protes,hihihi...mungkin karena suaranya jadi bergema di telinganya ya... :p.

Owkeh, buat yg udah punya baby wrap merk apapun dicoba2 aja, tp tentu saja dalam proses mencoba itu tetep harus diperhatikan keselamatan & kenyamanan bayinya :).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pasca Operasi HNP & Melahirkan Normal, Bisakah? (Part 1)

Hmm...sekarang aku mo share tentang operasi HNP (Hernia Nucleus Pulposus) yang aku jalanin 1,5 taon yg lalu dg rencana persalinan normalku.

Oke, first aku cerita dulu ya tentang penyakit HNP-ku. HNP itu sama jg dg syaraf kejepit di tulang punggung. Aku udah hampir 3 taon menderita penyakit ini, walopun g terus-terusan, pertama kali kena itu sewaktu batuk dg posisi badan yg salah (rada bungkuk dikit), pas batuk itu terasa tulang punggung bawahku berderak (halah boso-ne, hehehe...bingung mo pake istilah apa) dan sakit kesemutan yg menjalar ke kedua kaki sekitar 1menitan, setelah itu tulang punggung dan bagian bawah punggungku pegel2 rasanya dan sekitar seminggu pegelnya g ilang-ilang, trus anehnya pegel ini hilang sendiri, tanpa diobatin. Kejadian pegel2 pinggang selama 1-2minggu ini berulang sampe 2-3x selama 2 taon, sampe2 dibilangin temen-temenku aku nenek-nenek, hihihi....Oia setelah kejadian pertama itu aku sempet berobat ke dokter spesialis rehabilitasi medik, trus disarankan pake korset buat LBP (Low BackPain), merknya Tuasne (kalo g salah ya....), memang enak pake korset ini kalo lagi kumat, tapi ya itu tadi teteup aja kumat2 trus.

Trus yg paling parah kejadiannya pas aku lagi duduk di kursi dalam posisi rada bungkuk, trus aku bersin, wuiiih....smpe sekarang masih inget sakitnya gimana, kedua kakiku sakit banget, terasa kesemutan dan ditusuk-tusuk beribu-ribu jarum dari pangkal paha sampe ke telapak kaki, mo nerusin duduk di kursi kayanya g ilang2 sakitnya, akhirnya dengan susah payah dan mengeluarkan air mata, aku berubah posisi dan tekapar di lantai. Dan biasa setelah kejadian kaya gt, pegel-pegel di pinggangku kumat lagi selama 1 mingguan.

Terakhirnya penyakit ini terasa mengganggu pas waktu mbantuin ortu pindahan rumah, ya namanya pindahan g betah juga cm duduk aja ngawasin orang ngangkatin barang2, akhirnya ikutan ngangkat2 juga, nah malem setelah ngangkat2 ini krasa pegel2 lagi di punggung bagian bawah. Sudah lelah dg yg namanya pegal2 mulu dan kesakitan trus, akhirnya aku berobat ke dokter neurologi di Palembang (dr. Alwi Shahab, Sp.S --> highly recommended), setelah diperiksa lengkap, disarankan untuk MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Kata beliau, kalo bukan HNP kembali lagi berobat ke beliau, tapi kalo HNP disarankan untuk berobat ke dr. Rendra Leonas, Sp.OT, FICS. Pergilah aku periksa MRI di RS RK Charitas, biayanya lumayan juga ya....2010 kemaren aku kena 1,5jt untuk periksa MRI. Besoknya baru bisa diambil hasilnya karena harus dibaca dahulu oleh dr.radiologi, jreng2 pas dibuka hasilnya...yups....aku positif kena HNP di dua tempat yaitu di L4-L5 dan L5-S1, hmmm...no wonder kumatnya makin sering aja. Setelah nerima hasil ini, aku pergi konsultasi ke dr. Rendra (highly recommended too!!!), setelah dilihat sm dr.Rendra MRI-nya, aku disarankan untuk operasi HNP alias Laminectomy. Di palembang yg bisa melakukan operasi ini cm di RS RK Charitas dg RS Mohamad Hoesin, karena cm di 2 RS ini yg punya alat C-Arms (kalo g salah penulisannya bgini...he....). Setelah nelpon kedua RS ini dan dengan pertimbangan biaya dan kesiagaan dokternya, aku memutuskan di RSMH, selaen ruang operasinya yg baru (hihihi...selalu yak faktor baru jd pertimbangan...hihihi...), ruang rawat yg VIP Utama jg lebi tjangkau, hehehe..... Ok d singkatnya, aku masuk RS 4 Peb 2010, 5 Peb 2010 aku udah dioperasi. Operasinya sendiri pake anestesi umum, selama 3,5 jam. Setelah dirawat sekitar 4 hari aku udah boleh pulang. Hari pertama post operasi aku nangis aja seharian karena suakitnya punggungku yg dioperasi itu, hari kedua latian miring ke kiri-kanan, hari ketiga latian duduk, hari keempat latian jalan ke kamar mandi...dan...setelah bisa jalan boleh pulang, hehehe...senangnya walopun jalannya harus pelan2 banget dan nahan suakitttt.....

Alhamdulillah setelah operasi dan sampe saat ini pegel2 di pinggangku udah enggak lagi....bye bye LBP ;)

Nah, yg berhubungan dengan pasca operasi HNP ini adalah proses persalinanku dalam waktu dekat ini. Yups....lg nunggu hari nih, yg jadi pertanyaan dalam benakku akhir2 ini "apakah pasca operasi HNP bisa melahirkan normal?" karena kemaren aku dapet cerita kalo temenku yg juga pernah operasi HNP g berani melahirkan normal, aku juga ga nanya sih apa pertimbangannya dy g brani nglahirin normal (aku dapet critanya dari dokter Sp.OG-ku). Setelah aku tanyain ke dr.Rendra, Alhamdulillah kata beliau bisa melahirkan normal karena enggak ada pengaruhnya ke pen di L4-L5 ku. Yg menjadi pertanyaan berikutnya adalah "bisa tidak kalo memang nanti perlu dioperasi Sesar aku dianestesi lumbal/spinal?" kata dr.Rendra bisa, karena tidak ada perubahan anatomis di tulang belakangku. Duuuh mudah2an persalinanku lancar ya normal saja...g kebayang deh depan-belakang tubuhku ada bekas operasinya ntar...amiiin...

Ntar y di part 2 (cieh..gaya euy pake part 2) aku critain gimana antara pasca operasi HNP dg proses persalinanku ya...skrg masih nunggu2 hari nih ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Survey Kecil Biaya Melahirkan Pake Askes PNS

Waaaah....sudah deket nih dengan hari-hari akhir penantianku....yup!! Sekarang sudah masuk minggu ke 38, udah mulai dag....dig.....duer....hehe. 
Alhamdulillah so far kehamilanku g ada masalah, sekarang aja kepala baby kami sudah masuk ke panggulku. Duh mudah2an lancar ya proses persalinannya...ibu dan anak selamat....amiiin....
Oia, yang mau aku share di sini adalah survey biaya melahirkan di palembang menggunakan Askes PNS (nama lainnya Askes sosial kalo g salah). G survey2 amat sih, kmrn sih cuma survey ke 3 RS yg menerima Askes. Yup yup...marila kita mulai!!!
  1. RS Siti Khadijah Palembang, untuk askes golongan 3 dapetnya kelas 1b, 1orang 1kamar, ac, kamar di bangsal kebidanan (lupa nama tempat kebidanannya apa...he.....), trus setelah liat2 ke kamar & VK (ruang bersalinnya) aku sm ibuku kurang sreg, jadi qt nanyain juga nambah berapa kira2 kalo ke kelas utama, dijelasin sm pegawai RS kalo normal nambahnya sekitar 3-4jt rp (bewh.....lumayan juga ya....karena kalo kelas VIP proses persalinan enggak boleh sm bidan, harus sama dokter Sp.OG), nah tapi kalo operasi saecar (SC) nambahnya cm 1-2jt karena dianggap operasi, sedangkan operasi semuanya full digenti askes.
  2. RS Moh. Hoesin Palembang, dapetnya kelas 1b juga, tapi bedanya 1kamar 3 orang, ac, km dalam. Oia kalo qt masuk sesuai dengan kelas askes qt g nambah biaya banyak bahkan bisa2 g nambah biaya apapun...lumayan2.... Kalo mo naek ke kelas utama, 1 orang 1 kamar, kalo normal nambahnya 1-2jt, tp kalo SC....jreng2....biaya jd hampir 10x lipat....sekitar 10jt nambahnya...ckckck.....  Tiap RS kayanya beda peraturannya yak.... Kalo di RSMH sih ruangannya masih bagus, baru dipake sekitar taon 2009-an, y masih terawat la...trus enaknya ruang rawatnya 1 bangsal dengan ruang bersalinnya, jd perjalanan dr ruang bersalin ke ruang rawat g jauh2 amat. he....
  3. RS Muhamadiyah Palembang, dapetnya 1 kamar....hmmm lupa 1 kamar berapa orang,he...silahkan ditelp ke RSMP saja...hehe... Kmrn sih lebi interest nanyain kalo naek kelas nambah berapa. Kalo naek ke kelas VIP utama (1 kamar 1 orang, yg nunggu juga dapet bed sendiri) kalo normal nambahnya sekitar 300-400rb/malam, yg dibayar cm selisih kamar aja kalo g salah, trus kalo naek ke kelas VIP biasa (1 kamar 1 orang, yg nunggu tidur di sofa, he...) kalo normal nambahnya 300rb/malem, sm juga yg dibayar cm selisih harga kamar saja. Nah, kalo SC nambahnya cm 300rb sj untuk biaya operasinya. (Ini penjelasan dr temenku yg kerja disana...he....g nyambangin sendiri ke RSMP, jd rada blur jg info-nya)
Oia,  biaya melahirkan normal (kalo di luar RS provider Askes) yang ditanggung Askes cm 400rb, kalo SC itu sekitar 2,1jt. Nah masih g jelas jg 400rb itu sudah termasuk tarif kamar ato belum, kalo belum lumayan ya..tp kalo 400rb itu untuk biaya persalinan + tarif kamar...beeeeewh...nomboknya lumayan yak. Kayanya sih cm 3 RS yg nerima Askes it aj yg bisa aku share. Masih ada RS Pusri dg RS AK Gani Palembang yg nerima Askes, tp karena g begitu tertarik ke situ & sudah males mo survey, jadi g aku survey...he....
Kalo yang laen punya infonya monggo di-share, ato kalo di post ini ada salahnya mohon dimaafkan & dibetulkan, he...namanya juga survey2an... ;)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Naek Pesawat Saat Hamil...... hayu ajaaaaa....

Kali ini aku mo sharing naek pesawat saat hamil...kebetulan karena ada berbagai keperluan dan acara, pas hamil ini sempet naek pesawat PP 3x Jakarta-Palembang dg 3 maskapai yg berbeda,hehehe.... 

Pertamaaa kali pulang itu naek pesawat pas usia kehamilan 12 mingguan, waktu itu sih perutku belom begitu keliatan, jadi enggak nglapor ke maskapai, walopun beberapa kali dibilangin "Ibu hamil dan bayi berusia 1-6 bulan diharapkan melapor ke konter", cuek waela secara mikir perut blom kliatan masih malu-malu baby-ku menunjukkan dirinya ke dunia. Lagian kan insyaAllah bayinya enggak akan apa-apa karena ada cairan ketuban disekeliling bayiku, insyaAllah aman. Pas perjalanan dari Palembang-Jakarta, aku juga naek maskapai yang sama, yaitu L*** A**, tp y berhubung masih enggak keliatan y enggak nglapor lagi. Pas di Palembang jg sempet konsul ke Sp.OG, katanya sih g papa naek pesawat bolak balik karena ada cairan ketuban di sekeliling anakku.

Trus pulang yang kedua Jakarta-Palembang, karena udah mulai keliatan (kehamilan 22mingguan), y dg kesadaran diri yang tinggi (hehe....) melapor ke front desk, nah yg kedua ini naek maskapai G**u** A**L****. Pas nglapor langsung deh aku menyebutkan gelar profesi-ku biar g ribet, hehe....alhamdulillah g repot2 amat, cuma disuruh bikin pernyataan di atas materai tidak akan menuntut airlines kalo ada apa2 slama perjalanan sm pernyataan usia kehamilan. Setelah tanda tangan sana-sini (berasa dirut lagi neh...hehehe...) langsung masuk ke ruang tunggu. Mungkin sih (ini cm perkiraan), cm disuruh tanda tangan sana-sini karena blom masuk 32 minggu. 

Pas perjalanan pulang dari Palembang-Jakarta, naek maskapai yg berbeda yaitu Sr****** A**, pas di bandara Palembang, karena sudah bawa surat keterangan dr Sp. OG ckup tanda tangan di atas materai saja tidak akan menuntut maskapai bla bla bla.....sudah itu beres dah...pas pulang ini usia kehamilanku 24mingguan.

Nah perjalanan naek pesawat Jakarta-Palembang naek L*** A** pas hamil ini pas usia 34 minggu (pssst....sebenernya sih maksimal usia kehamilan itu 32minggu kalo mo naek pesawat, maskapai sih takutnya kalo qt naek pesawat usia kehamilan > 32 minggu mereka takut nanggung risiko melahirkan di pesawat, ini cerita staf salah satu maskapai pernah ada ibu hamil usia kehamilan 34 minggu naek pesawat Jeddah-Jakarta melahirkan di pesawat), dg PeDe membawa surat keterangan dokter Sp.OG nglapor ke front desk di ruang tunggu, eh ternyata eh ternyata....surat keterangan dokter Sp.OG itu tidak boleh tanggalnya melebihi 3 hari, hikhik...surat keterangan dokterku sudah "expired" karena seminggu seblom berangkat tanggalnya & it ak minta barengan dg kontrol hamilku (tau gitu minta tanggalnya dimajukan deh.....).  Stelah itu ak disuruh sm pegawainya untuk cek kesehatan lagi di Kesehatan Bandara (apa sih nama resminya....lupa aku...), dengan kaki bengkak2 akhirnya jalan lg dah ke tempat tsb yg letaknya berdekatan dg konter check-in (lumayan jaraknya ....... :( ). Setelah dicek tekanan darah, keadaan rahim sm dokter, dapet deh surat layak terbang (kalo g salah judulnya itu..hehe...) tanpa didampingi pendamping. Disini disuruh bayar biaya adm sebesar 50rb, hmmm...hitung2 sm d dg surat keterangan sehat dr dr.umum, hehe.... Setelah dapet surat itu, g perlu tanda tangan-tanda tangan di atas materai, cukup diserahkan ke petugas konter front desk di ruang tunggu, tinggal naek pesawat deh.....

Lumayan juga pengalaman naek pesawat pas hamilnya...sempet khawatir jg, tp setelah denger penjelasan Sp.OG kalo ada cairan ketuban yang melindungi baby-ku, jd tenangan.  And so far....my baby is healthy :). Mudah2an sampe melahirkan healthy....ibu dan anak sehat :) amiiin....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Shopping For My Baby's Need

Nah, baru2 ini nih aku habis belanja2 kebutuhan baby nih di Bandung. Sebelomnya sih cm nyicil2 aja kaya beli beberapa Cloth diaper, baby wrap, teether book, diaper bag, dsb. Oke moms....lets start our adventure... (cie adventure....kaya apa aja :p )

Marii...qt mulai dari "physic store" alias toko yg punya fisik...hehehe....
  • MiVie Baby Shop (Jl. Prof. Eyckmann No. 17, Telp. 022-2037400), Lokasi MiVie mah yang paling deket dg rumahku, trus tempat blanja jg enak, nyaman, lagunya full dg lagu anak2 (kadang2 abis pulang dr sana masih terbayang2 di kepalaku lagunya...hihihihi...). Disini beli diaper bag, clodi, sm teether book. Blanja disini kalo sampe 3jt bisa jd member, kalo jd member enaknya dapet diskon 10%, trus kmrn mah enakny karena ninggalin no hp disini jd tiap ad promo diskonan bisa dapet sms...lumayan2 :). Oia, disini produk2 clodi-nya lumyan lengkap yg impor, kaya rumparooz, grovia, fuzzibunz, dsb. Buat mommies yg mo liat dulu fisik clodi sblom beli barangnya di ol shop bisa liat2 disini. Slaen it, produk diaper bag-nya yg paling lengkap kalo dibandingkan dg baby shop lainnya, klo mo hunting diaper bag yg modelnya g umum, bole d browsing2 dsini :).

  • LaVie Baby Shop (Jl. imam bonjol no.6 Bandung, Telp. 022-2504905) Ini dia ni baby shop yg paling ngtop se-Bandung, lokasi deket RS Boromeus, daerah dago gt. Tempatnya kurang rapi (apalagi kalo lg weekend ke situ, tp kalo ke sini pas hari Senin-Kamis susunan barang2nya y lumayan rapi lah....) Disini beli stroler, beberapa kebutuhan baju-baju baby, receiving blanket, kosmetik bayi. Barangnya.....lengkap kap kap......dr yg harga murah sampe k harga muahaaal.... Stroler juga lumayan lengkap, tp kalo mo lebih branded2an (harga > 1.5 jt) lebi lengkap di MiVie Baby Shop, kalo cari yg merk biasa harga sekitar 1jt-an disini lengkap. Oia, kalo mo cari stroler rekomen di sini dah..... Kalo baju ato barang2 lainnya kalo mo bli satuan bukan grosir lebi baik beli disini, karena harganya sm grosir cm beda sribu-dua ribu perak saja. Disini tiap ngumpulin total blanjaan >1jt (kalo g salah) bisa dituker hadiah2...kaya payung, handuk, dsb, he...info lom lengkap neh masalah tuker hadiah karena lom nanya secara lengkap, hehehe.....
  • Holly Baby (ITC Kalapa Lt.2 Blok B No.1, Telp.022-5234777, ato ke Pasar Baru Lt. Dasar 1 Blok M 1B No.1, Telp.022-4245127, kemaren sih aku blanjanya yg ke ITC Kalapa) Nah disini nih blanja besarnyaaaa...hehe...dari baju baby merk Nova, Libby, Arlen, Fluffy, puas euy. Enaknya blanja dsini kena harga grosir tp ya risikony harus beli 1set, jadi kalo beli rata-rata 3-4 pcs/set dan ga bisa milih warna, pasrah waela....tp g papala malahan jd warna-warni bajunya, hehe.... Lebih murah dari LaVie, walopun cm beda sribu-dua ribu/set, tp kalo dikali-kali y lumayanlah slisihnya, hehehe... Kalo ak sih sukanya blanja disini qt tinggal duduk aja biar mbaknya yg ngambilin, hihihi...scara perut lagi 33 minggu, hehehe... trus juga sukanya harganya sudah pas, g perlu nawar2 ato didiskon lagi, dan memang bener harganya lebih murah dibandingin sm toko2 bayi. Disini keperluan baju-baju lengkap, tp kalo kaya stroler, bottle warmer, sterilizer, g bgtu lengkap, apalagi buat mommies yg pengen branded, g ada euy... Oia disini juga ada jumper, baju merk Carter, Gap, hrganya lumayan jg, lebi murah dikit dari yg di ol shop karena g kena ongkir lagi,hehe...

  • Masih banyak baby shop yg laen, kaya Yen's Baby Shop, Yoeli's Baby Shop, dan Baby2 shop laen yg aku lupa namanya. Tp aku ga ada pengalaman neh blanja di tempat laen...kalo ada yg mo nambahin monggoooo....

Nah, kalo belanja di ol shop, balik lagi ke kita yak...gmn hubungan qt dg si empunya ols. Ols mah banyak euy, kalo ak beli ols dr tiposhop.com (disini produknya lumayan lucu2), midmod, bunachacha. So far aku blanja di ol shop kalo g ketemu di toko fisik, kaya clodi, baju menyusui. 

Untuk baju menyusui rekomen ke motherly nursing apparel (find aja di fesbuk), bahan bajunya bagus, jahitannya rapih, trus harganya juga lebih murah dibandingin nursing apparel yang laen. Trus tiap beli berapa gt dapet bonus, hehe....

Owkeh...kayany cm sgitu deh yg bisa di-share masalah blanja2...hehe.....